Thursday 14 August 2014

John Major right, David Cameron wrong!

I fully accept it would be naive to think that there are no people from the poorer EU countries who have a motivation to come over to the UK and claim benefits, rather than find work.  But the full extent of such concerns have been deliberately over-played by the British Prime Minister David Cameron, who is more concerned about playing to the tune of Conservative Eurosceptics, rather than the British national interest.

Sir John Major is a former British Conservative Prime Minister with a rather different perspective than Cameron when it comes to the subject of immigration into the UK.  Sir John speaks of the entrepreneurial values and attitudes many immigrants possess, referring to it as a Conservative instinct.

Sir John has more of a real life experience of actually integrating with people who have come from abroad to live in Britain, as demonstrated by his upbringing in Brixton.  By contrast David Cameron and much of his inner circle grew up with privileges, and are detached from the realities many ordinary Brits live with on a number of levels.

Some people will look at Sir John Major's comments and dismiss out of hand the very suggestion that people from ethnic minority backgrounds can be at one with "the nasty party."  It is important to remember though that there are political cycles.  Whatever people (who remember) may think of Sir John's administration of the 1990s, his vision was certainly "a one-nation Tory" vision.  That certainly is not the Cameron way!

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